I spent an hour or so in there yesterday wandering around, I hadn't been in for a couple of years and had forgotten what an utterly gorgeous place it is. The fabric/yarn/haberdashery department was predictably the section I gravitated towards, and oh my the things I found there! Vintage glass jars full of beautiful fabric covered buttons, a yarn selection I just wanted to jump into and snuggle up in, a selection of ribbons and trimmings to die for and of course the fabric...Oh the fabric!
I umm-ed and ah-ed for quite some time but eventually settled on a couple of pieces of liberty tana lawn. This is one, the other is covered with line drawings of Elizabethan sailing ships.

I can't wait to use these fabrics to make some special Liberty dolls!
Today my cardboard dolls houses arrived, which I'm also thrilled with. I got them from Oxfam's January sale and they're just fabulous.

I'm going to cover them in ivory tissue paper and use them to display my dolls at exhibitions and shows. I have plans to create a whole village for my summer exhibition, with these as the 3 main houses filled with dolls going about their business, surrounded by lots of little houses with one or two dolls in and some fabric hills with trees on and dolls on swings hanging from their branches.
I've got a million ideas swimming around my head at the moment, I could just do with the time to realise all my plans!